Jacqueline Carrell
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Commendation from Senator Mark Warner for the G.O.A.L. Laptop Lending Program, 2021.
VCCS Excellence in Education Award, 2020.
PVCC Core Job Responsibilities Recognition Award, 2018
Carrell, Jacqueline. "Lucy at the Chocolate Factory: Using AirTable to Manage the Conveyor Belt of E-Resources Holdings." Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), 5 March 2024.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Jessica Bowdoin, Andrea Meckley, and Jennifer Walz. “Implementation and Integration and Workflows, Oh My! A RapidILL Panel Discussion.” VIVA ILL Community Forum, 15 July 2022.
Carrell, Jacqueline. “Adventures in Interlibrary Loan: Alma + RapidILL + WorldShare ILL.” VCCS, 8 February 2022.
Carrell, Jacqueline and Erin Crane. “Who’s Your Data? Distributing IPEDS E-Inventory Counts for a Consortium.” Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), 11 March 2021.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Mikki Butcher, and Katherine McKenzie. “May the Source Be with You: VIVA Whole Ebook Lending.” OCLC Resource Sharing Conference Web Series, 22 September 2020.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Mikki Butcher, Katherine McKenzie, and Elizabeth Teaff. “Lessons Learned During COVID-19.” VIVA ILL Community Forum, 10 July 2020.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Erin Crane, and Jacque Dessino. “VCCS Aleph to Alma Migration Challenges.” ELUNA Annual Meeting, 6 May 2019.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Genya O’Gara, and Laura Ramos. “VIVA and Whole Ebook ILL: Project Origins and Initial Results.” VIVA ILL Community Forum, 14 July 2017.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Jacque Dessino, and Susan Lawlor. “Be Your Own Admin (Or, how to keep ourselves afloat now that Gene is gone).” VCCS Library Peer Group Conference, 29 April 2016.
Carrell, Jacqueline. “Libraries: A Factor of Math.” VCCS Math Peer Group Conference, 19 February 2016.
Carrell, Jacqueline, Bud Bennett, Sharon Gotkiewicz, and Tammy Hines. “Panel Discussion: ILL Etiquette and Best Practices.” VIVA ILL Community Forum, 12 July 2013.
Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), ILL Community Forum Planning Committee, Chair (2019-2022)
Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), Resource Sharing Committee, Member (2016-2022)
Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), COVID-19 Resource Delivery Task Force, Member (2020)
Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), Whole Ebook Lending Task Force, Member (2017-2021)
Virginia Community College System (VCCS), Shared E-Resources Data Subcommittee, Member (2017-2022)
Virginia Community College System (VCCS), Aleph Transition Team, Member (2016-2018)
Richmond Academic Library Consortium (RALC), Executive Committee, Member (2013-2014)
Richmond Academic Library Consortium (RALC), Professional Development Committee, Member (2023-present)
State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), Library Advisory Committee, Member (2013-2014)
Professional Experience
Electronic Resources Librarian - University of Richmond (2022-Present)
Circulation/Access Librarian - Piedmont Virginia Community College (2015-2022)
Visiting Librarian - College of William and Mary (2014-2015)
Interim Library Director - Richard Bland College (2013-2014)
Public Services/Reference Librarian - Richard Bland College (2011-2013)
Web Coordinator - University of Maryland (2009-2011)