Book Arts Studio
The Book Arts Studio, housed on Basement Level 1 (B1) of Boatwright Memorial Library, exists to enrich the creative and scholarly culture at the University of Richmond by promoting the history and art of the book as a mode of communication, expression, and education. While exploring historic and contemporary book structure and craft, the goals of the Book Arts Studio include: creating a hands-on learning space for interdisciplinary projects; developing a program of educational courses, workshops, discussions, presentations, and exhibits; building collaborative partnerships across campus and the community; and highlighting the diverse library resources available for research into the history of the book and the book as art.
During 2012–2013, Boatwright Memorial Library at the University of Richmond received a generous donation of the equipment and supplies of Shiu-Min Block, a professional bookbinder previously located in Connecticut. In September of 2014, the library added a platen press, several cabinets of type, and letterpress equipment from local printer and print historian, David M. Clinger. These donations became the foundation of the University of Richmond’s growing Book Arts Studio.
If you would like to schedule a tour of the studio or have an idea for a class or staff project with a book arts focus, contact Jen Thomas, Book Arts Program Director, for more information. The Book Arts Studio does not provide services such as custom binding, book repair, conservation, preservation, or commercial letterpress printing. Please visit our Book Arts Research Guide for more information about the studio and its capabilities.